
In relation to the judge of the Arbitration Court of the Krasnodar Territory Ivanova N.V.

Water wears away stones. As it became known from our regular readers - farmers of the Dinsky district of the Krasnodar Territory, the hero of num ...


The FSB roof did not help the hackers

As it became known to The Russian Post, the 235th Garrison Military Court refused to accept a complaint from a witness in a criminal case against the ...


Samara lawlessness: judges and prosecutors protect criminals

In the Samara region , amazing events continue around the criminal case of former police officers Pertsev and Illarionov . Samara regio ...


OEBiPK operatives carried out a raid

Infopressa talks about the arbitrariness and impunity of employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city district. Solnechnogors ...


Шайка под прикрытием: об окружении главы Заиграевского района Виталия Шалькова

Запущенное экономическое состояние района, кумовство и разврат в Управлении образования. Вот она – специфика правления Виталий Шальков, главы Заиг ...


Deripaska on guard of "thieves in law"

In Spain, the trial of the "thief in law" Tariel Oniani (Taro). Initially, he was accused of money laundering and the leadership of the criminal comm ...


Arkady Sargsyan Deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation, a member of the LDPR faction

  In 1981 he graduated from the Black Sea Higher Naval School named after PS Nakhimov, Khakass State University of NF Katanov, a degree in law;&n ...


They are inseparable from Deripaska

Oleg Deripaska is surprised and indignant that the United States included him in the sanctions list and does not want to delete him. Surprises are, to ...


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